What are the differences between the two Kunekune registries?
I get this question a lot and when I first started I didn't even know there were 2 registries! Liberty Farms where I got my first breeding pair used American Kunekune Pig Society (AKKPS). I assumed that AKKPS was the one and only. I didn't even know about the second registry till I started shopping around for more pigs a year later! I heard about American Kunekune Pig Registry (AKPR) and was told how wonderful they were because they didn't charge fees for everything.
I decided to start dual registering my pigs since registering them all in AKPR only would cost me the $40 yearly membership dues. I also noticed that there was no Coefficient of inbreeding (COI) calculator in the AKPR herd book and I really liked using the hypothetical breeding feature with AKKPS to check on potential matches. I create a little matrix of all the hypothetical matches that look like the chart below.

This year, 2020, AKPR has had a lot of changes and wanted to focus on Kunekune Pig quality. They stopped allowing un-wattled pigs to be registered, which caused quite an uproar. From my perspective AKPR seems to be a lot more active in the Kunekune community. For example, they have sanctioned shows and even did a virtual show this year during COVID. They provided some very informative webinars this year. AKKPS also had a webinar but I was unable to attend. I was able to attend AKPR's 3 part series and I really enjoyed the guest veterinarian that went over vaccine protocols. AKPR also added in the COI calculator. I enjoy AKPR's website and filling out forms is more user friendly in my opinion. Going forward, I have decided to stick with one registry. AKPR now offers everything I need and more. So, they are my registry of choice.
Both registries provide a discount for the required UC Davis DNA testing. Non-members are charged $40 per pig and members get a discount of $29 per pig. This is a huge savings especially when both registries require DNA testing for breeding registration.
A breakdown of the differences are below along with their fee schedule. These are my opinions and I used their websites to gather information but is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. Please be sure to do your own research and decide which registry is right for you.
American Kunekune Pig Society (AKKPS)
Can register un-wattled pigs
Has a special "pet" only registration that does not require DNA testing
COI (Coefficient of inbreeding) scores tend to be higher than AKPR
Anyone can view COI in the AKKPS herd book
Anyone can do hypothetical breedings
Herdbook goes back 5 generations
Membership Fee: $25 yearly due annually on date of joining
100% of the below fees go to a company called Competitive Advantage and is not used for member benefits
Litter Notification: $15 members / $30 non-members
Pet Registration: $10 members / $20 non-members
Piglet Registration: $12 members / $24 non-members
Dual Registration: $18 members / $36 non-members
American Kunekune Pig Registry (AKPR)
All pigs must be double wattled to be registered
COI tends to be lower than AKKPS
Must be a paid member to see COI
Must be a paid member to do hypothetical breedings with COI
Focus is on producing Pork
Has been actively sponsoring shows
Started in 2006
Herdbook goes back 4 generations
No Fees except for membership
Membership Fee: $40 yearly due on January 1st, not prorated
Litter Notification: $0
Piglet Registration: $0
Dual Registration: $0