I had hoped to have timed Panda's litter perfectly with Mace's litter being weaned which would have meant Panda would have given birth on November 27th. Instead we were at the vet taking Teton and Jackson to get neutered and we came home to 6 new born piglets!
Panda was still in the girl's pen and had "kicked" everyone out of the house to have her babies. She was in the being very protective and not letting anyone near the house, "growling" if anyone came near her, which is super uncharacteristic of Panda. Normally we are right there with her during the birth and she is singing to her babies and full of joy. I'm sure she had a very stressful labor with all her sisters; Clover, Shyla, and Nugget trying to see what was going on.
We quickly moved everyone around and got Panda and her babies in the piglet pen with the heat lamp. We had been wanting to name our next litter after the Grand Canyon a place both Josh and I just love. Josh's quickly picked out a favorite; a little black and white double wattled boar that he named Phantom Ranch. We don't normally name piglets that quickly or get so attached to one right away. But Josh really was in love with this little guy.
The next day I was watching the piglets on the live stream while working and I noticed Panda kept checking on Phantom and he wasn't nursing when she would call everyone to nurse. I went out to check on him and he wasn't doing well. I was about to take my dad to his doctor appointment so Josh had to take little Phantom to the veterinarian all by himself. Unfortunately, he was born with a birth defect that didn't let him go to the bathroom so he was in a lot of pain and not able to relieve himself. We learned it was a fairly common thing that happens even in puppies. Josh held little Phantom and told him he loved him while the vet put him to sleep and out of pain. It was devastating losing the little guy.
Panda was not happy about Phantom just disappearing and not coming back home. I went in to check on all the other babies and she charged me. I was stuck on the piglet house with her being very angry. We decided to give Panda her space so she could also grieve and bond with her remaining 5 piglets. She will bring them out and let us get to know them when she decides they are ready. She is an amazing mother and my heart hurts for her loss.
The piglets are now almost 2 weeks old and have been coming out to play and zoom around. We have gotten to know them and love them already.
You can watch the piglets live on twitch. All of these little babies are already reserved! We do have 1 pet piglet left from The Grand Teton's Litter, Jackson.
Meet the Grand Canyon Litter
RIP our little Phantom Ranch

Halbert Farm Tuahuru - "Phantom Ranch"
Josh and I rode mules down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and stayed the night at Phantom Ranch. It was such an amazing experience and Josh knew this guys name as soon as he saw him. We will miss you little guy.
Make - Double Wattled
Black and White
Reserved - Sockdolager

Halbert Farm Tuahuru - "Sockdolager"
This was my favorite rapid on the whole river trip. It was one of the first big ones a
and was so much fun! Sockdolager means 1. something that settles a matter : a decisive blow or answer : FINISHER
2: something outstanding or exceptional
Male - No Wattles Black and White COI 6.8% 12 (6/6) evenly spaced teats
Reserved - Havasu

Halbert Farm Tuahuru - "Havasu"
Havasu Falls is famous for the blue clear water that comes from the calcium carbonate from the rocks. The Havasupai Tribe owns that area but we were luck to get to swim in the Havasu creek which is the same amazing color. It is a sacred place for many native Americans and I can see why.
Male - No Wattles
White & Brown High % White
Reserved - Shimumo

Halbert Farm Tuahuru - "Shinumo"
Shinumo rapid on the Colorado river is right after mile 109, there is Shimumo creek where we went swimming and Shinumo Sandstone, is a Mesoproterozoic rock formation, which outcrops in the eastern Grand Canyon. It's a pretty red color.
Male - Double Wattled Cream
COI 6.8%
12 (6/6) Evenly spaced teats
Reserved - Bright Angel

Halbert Farm Jenny - "Bright Angel"
Named after the Bright Angel trail, most popular trail in the South Rim that you can take all the way down to Phantom Ranch.
Female - Double Wattled Cream COI 6.8% Pricked Ears 11 (6/5) teats
Reserved - Kaibab

Halbert Farm Jenny - "Kaibab"
The Kaibab Limestone is the top layer of the Grand Canyon and is a grey/white color. I thought it a very fitting name for our cream little piglet.
Female - Double Wattled Cream COI 6.8% Pricked Ears 12 (6/6) evenly spaced teats