Now Offering Bearded Silkie Chicks from exhibition stock!
Availalbe for pick up only from our farm in Burleson, TX
Please check my facebook for the latest birds that are currently available.
Possilbe Colors available:
Silkies are an Asian chicken, it is disputed on extact orgin. They are an interesting bird with black earlobes, black skin, and 5 toes like my Salmons. They also have black bones and grey colored meat! The dark colored meat is considered gourmet food in parts of Asia. The best thing about silkies is they are so friendly and docile! They are also excellent mothers and love to go broody. If you want some chickens to do the work of incubating eggs, this is the breed to get! Every flock should have a few Silkies, they are just fun little birds!
Bearded Silkie Chicks
- We do not ship live chicks at this time.
- All live poultry is availalbe for local pickup only.
Straight Run Chicks
$10 for 1 day - 1 month old
$20 for 1 month - 6 month old
Pullets / Hens
$50 for over 6 months old
Cockerels / Roosters
$20 for over 6 months old